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Showing posts from July, 2015

Baby Audrey Goes To Church

Photos from beautiful  Audrey (Oshoke) Dakpokpo's dedication,Sunday July 26 2015. May your life be filled with God's goodness. 

Wednesday July 29 2015; Daily Grace Inspirations By Pastor Joseph Prince - 'Now My Eyes See You, Lord!'

Job 42:5 “I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You. 

Photos: Catherine Onome Anidi & Daniel Egbekha Igemoh 2015

Some beautiful photos from Catherine and Daniel's day. June 27th 2015 was a perfect day for Daniel and Catherine. God bless your union. Photo Credit: Pasmak Creative.

Grace Inspirations Monday July 6 2015: Daily Grace Inspirations by Joseph Prince - FREELY RECEIVE WHAT GOD FREELY GIVES

Romans 4:13 For the promise that he would be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith. God promised that you would be the heir of the world. It is the same promise that He made to Abraham. And because you are Christ’s, you are Abraham’s seed and an heir “according to the promise”. (Galatians 3:29) When God made this promise to you, He made it so easy for you to receive—“through the righteousness of faith”. All you have to do is believe that as the heir of the world every blessing is righteously yours because Jesus died to give them to you. He also rose from the dead to enforce them in your life. So don’t try to earn your blessings “through the law”—through your efforts or performance. Freely receive what God freely gives to you through Christ and His finished work at the cross. When a church member was retrenched at 41 years of age, he refused to ...